Supporting wellbeing in education


Helping to nurture mentally healthy schools so young people can thrive.

According to NHS Digital, one in six children aged between six and 16 in England are likely to have a mental health problem. Whether it’s brought on by studies, peer pressure, problems at home or something else entirely, teachers and educational setting staff are ideally placed to spot early warning signs of vulnerabilities and poor mental health – it’s critical they’re given the tools to address wellbeing needs.

With the right resources, schools, colleges and universities can do more to champion mental health in young people and identify those who are struggling and might benefit from personalised support.


Mental health full circle: helping teachers to help students

Good staff wellbeing is a necessity if we’re to improve mental health in educational settings – it doesn’t just come down to the students. 

Teachers and other educational staff have a big responsibility to ensure the good mental health of their pupils, along with juggling other demands of the role, so it’s important they’re given the right emotional support too. Mental health and wellbeing initiatives in schools should be extended to staff and every measure in place to ensure these leaders are the epitome of the school’s culture and values. They lead by example, after all, so ensuring they feel supported is crucial.

The Govox Solution

1. Wellbeing Survey Invitation

Individuals are invited to complete a wellbeing survey via our user-friendly web platform. The survey takes only a few minutes to complete. Our question set typically focuses on five key areas: Mind, Body, Emotion, Fulfilment, and Financial Wellbeing. Your organisation has complete control over the question set, the frequency of survey invitations.

2. Signposting & Support

Based on the survey responses, we provide tailored signposting and support. This step ensures that individuals receive the necessary resources and empower them to proactively manage their wellbeing.

3. Organisational Insights

We offer comprehensive organisational insights and clear visibility into those who might be struggling and need further support. Our benchmarking tools allow you to measure happiness and wellbeing across your entire organisation, helping you make informed decisions to foster a positive and supportive environment.


Promoting wellbeing in education

It’s crucial educational settings get hands on in supporting students’ mental health and wellbeing. But with teaching provision often stretched and time a luxury that isn’t guaranteed, it can be difficult for teachers and staff to open up conversations and provide that much-needed support in the classroom. Govox helps teachers put a discreet lens on students’ mental health and extract information from them in a non-intrusive way that leaves them more likely to open up. In a class of 30, five young people are likely to be living with poor mental health – we help schools, colleges and universities spot who.

Integrates with

insights and reporting

A wealth of insights

Data is great, but when it comes to individuals’ mental wellbeing, it’s the insights and intricate knowledge that enables you to effect real change where it’s needed.


Confident and thriving pupils and staff

Our wellbeing platform provides the end user, whether a student or staff member, with actionable insights and resources, while teachers and staff are given knowledge and tools to connect and offer the right wellbeing support. You’ll benefit from:

Increased engagement

We know that students are more likely to engage with an online platform. It takes less than two minutes to complete so won’t take up too much of their already busy schedule.

Tailored support

Data is useful but clear insights enable you to make a real difference. You’ll be able to identify trends or patterns in a student or a staff member, spot key areas of concern and act. quickly.

Improved teacher-student relationships

A platform for which you’ve tailored the questions specifically for a class or group is a more personal approach that tells your people undoubtedly ‘we are here for you’.

Pinpoint the vulnerable – in good time

With so many students in your care, it’s impossible to devote the time needed to really be there for each and every one. You’ll identify via check ins who is vulnerable – and, importantly, be in a position to act quickly. This is insight you may not have otherwise had.

An empowered workforce

School staff are in a position of trust and have a vital role to play in students’ wellbeing – but they can only do so if they’re equipped with the right tools. Govox provides everything needed to fulfil this crucial part of the job description - but we're also there for the staff too.

Confident and thriving pupils

As young people grow up, this period of change brings with it all kinds of stresses. Give them a forum to confide their fears and emotions so you can intervene early and help them instead concentrate on thriving in their learning.

Whilst in school, our pupils complete a monthly wellbeing survey supplied by Govox. The pupils are very familiar with the concept and the results this has given us so far to detect issues early have been invaluable. We encourage all our pupils to take their time with this and complete it thoughtfull and sensibly - a chance for them to pause and reflect on their emotions.

Lotte Tulloch

Sedburgh School

“The Govox app has become a valuable tool for identifying and supporting students who may not seek support for themselves. It provides our well-being support staff with an array of valuable information that students find easy to generate and staff find straight forward to access. Trends in student well-being throughout the year can also be recognised enabling us to plan in preventative measures for times associated with high need. I highly recommend Govox to any institution serious about the well-being of their staff or students.”

Garth Jones

Dean, Shirley Boys High School

Foster Wellbeing and Make a Positive Impact

Choose Govox to foster a culture of wellbeing and make a positive impact on your community.

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