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Measuring workplace happiness

Business performance is intrinsically linked to employee productivity, which is heavily reliant on mental health. Great mental health means happier, more productive employees. Poor mental health is not only terrible for the individuals that are suffering, it is highly detrimental to business performance, with some sources suggesting a direct cost of £33bn-£42bn per annum to businesses (Government-comissioned Stevenson-Farmer Review). The obvious difficulty with mental health in the workplace is how you measure it. And once you’ve measured it, how do you monitor it and assess the results of any actions you’ve taken towards making things better?


You can measure workplace happiness with GoVox

The good news is that it is possible. By using a tool such as GoVox, you can send out expertly-written and quick-to-complete surveys that assess your peoples’ feedback against happiness performance indicators. These surveys feed through into an insightful dashboard that enables you to take informed action towards not only helping out any individuals that may be struggling, but improving processes for everyone and making your workplace a much happier and more productive one.

It’s important for managers to be mindful of mental health

The charity Mind offers some fantastic advice for line managers concerning engagement with employees over mental health issues:

  • Adapt your management style to best meet the needs of individual employees.

  • Don’t be scared to leave your desk and ask employees how they’re doing. Equally, be mindful that some more introverted people may appreciate a less direct approach.

  • Allocate workloads more in line with individuals’ strengths, and ensure deadlines are reasonable.

  • Ask your employees how you’re doing, using a survey tool like govox for the less direct approach.

There’s still a huge way to go towards measuring and improving mental health in the workplace, and it’s such a highly important thing to get right. We’re confident that by making a few simple changes and having ‘the conversations that matter’, your workplace will be all the more productive and happier for it.


Mind – Mental Health Gateway

CIPD/Mind – People Manager’s Guide To Mental Health


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